A Parser For Google Finance in Perl - Troper

Did you ever tried to understand or just work with the Google html code?
Well I can say that it's a real hit in the balls!

oh yeah, because I tried in this week., it was hard but I succeed! F**k yeah! :D

Dude, for whatevr may be the reason, did you tried to do this?

It's simple, I had no projects in my mind, expect ma exams.. lol :D, and so, I tried to do this ugly thing just as exercise!


Anyway I called this exercise Troper (oh what a gay name). Troper, can parse all the information from google/finance, and show the results in you're prefer shell, so It doesn't work with a graphic interface. You can save the currency and stock quotes also in a flat database compose by .brk files. Naturally you can remove, read and do something else with this files. As always for more information read the documentation or type --help.

You can find here the source code of Troper!

Here a simple picture:

Soooo, man have you notice the new name of this hilarious blog? I changed the bad and ugly name of the past with a new strong name!!! If you like it, (because you must like it), let me know in the comment form below!

Before finishing to see this porn video while I write, (just kiddin'), I would like to show you an amazing web service which evaluates you're Perl code and gives you many advices. I'm speaking about Perl::Critic, which is a Perl module, written also by Damian Conway (the guy who wrote Perl Best Practices). This is an amazing service because you can learn a lot of modern Perl style and see that some ways are better than others 8)
So check it out, you know, visit perlcritic.com!

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