Install Backtrack In Ubuntu

Backtrack is one of the most top rated Live Linux Distributions (meaning you can run straight from the CD). Backtrack is focused on penetration testing, and comes pre-packed with many applications to analyse and test your LAN, Wifi, Bluetooth... the list continues.

Well, Many of the time i used backtrack, but most oftenly i found myself to do sum extra things in order to use it like an ordinary Linux Diostro. n for all the same, i had find a method to use backtrack in our very own and most popular distro, ubuntu. Just follow these simple steps.

First of all add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb binary/
Now in order to import the Backtrack GPG key and to update the sources:
wget && sudo apt-key add public-key && sudo apt-get update
Cool  ;) ??

Now you had got all the new Backtrack applications ready to install. You can find these applications in your Synaptic Package Manager, under the sections BackTrack - Web (for example). If you are wanting to install all of the new applications quickly, you can run the following command:

links -dump | awk '{print $3}' | grep -i deb | cut -d . -f 1 > backtrack.txt

This command will use the links text browser to grab a complete list of packages and store them into the file backtrack.txt. Each application will then be installed one by one. As there are 182 files, it may take a long time , so better get ready with it and get a little multitasking :P

I Guess, yuou enjoyed this one. Have a nice time. Feel free to ask any confusion..

Enjoy Hacking, Enjoy Hackton.

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