Make Your Own Customized Exe File for Your Trojan Using CreateExt

CreateExt is a tool that can be used to create a customised executable file extension on a target system discretely. CreateExt is also 'proof of concept' tool, and exists only to demonstrate a weakness that exists under Microsoft Windows.

  • Specify a custom file extension in the 'Extension' edit box.
  • Specify a name for the file extension in the 'File Type' edit box. This should be something very brief, preferably a single word, and obscure. It does not really matter what this word is, as long as it does NOT clash with any others in the registry. Users will NOT see this value unless they lookin the registry for it.
  • Specify a content type for this file extension in the 'Content Type' edit box. Users MAY see this, so make sure it is convincing.

    Please Note: It does not really matter if it is the same as another file type, but it does mean Web Browsers may try and interpret a file with this new extension in the same way as other files with the same content type.
  • Specify a description in the 'Description' edit box. The user DOES see this when Windows Explorer displays files in detailed mode, so make it convincing.
  • Set the default icon for the file extension in the 'Default Icon' edit box. It is best to experiment with this feature on your own system first to make sure you have a valid icon. Here are some tips:

    • %1 means the default icon of the file. If the file with this extension is an executable, the default icon will be the executable's default icon.
    • url.dll,0 means use the 1st icon (zero indexed) in url.dll, which is assumed to be in the Windows/System path. It is usually in the System Folder.
    • shell32.dll,64 means use the 65th icon (zero indexed) in shell32.dll, which is assumed to be in the System path. It is usually in the System Folder.
    • c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe,8 means use the 9th icon (zero indexed) in iexplore.exe, which is assumed to be in the 'c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\' folder. The file path does NOT have to be in the DOS 8.3 filename format.

    Please Note: The icons and their order in shell32.dll varies on different versions of Windows. To ensure you have a valid icon, make sure that the icon exists in the position you have selected within shell32.dll for the target version of Windows. For example, the text document icon is position 64 for Win98's shell32.dll, but position 70 for Win2K's shell32.dll.

  • Tick 'Always hide file extension' if required.
  • Tick 'Refresh icon cache after creating extension' if required. See the FAQ for more information on why you should use this.
  • Tick 'Allow auto-execution with no prompt after download with IE' if required. If you create a web page that automatically tries to download a file from a server using javascript, then this flag should allow the file to be downloaded and executed automatically in Internet Explorer without a prompt box. The javascript does not need to exploit Internet Explorer, just invoke a download. The flag should take care of everything else.

    Please Note: This may not work on all versions of Internet Explorer. Patched versions may not be vulnerable. This option has no effect on other Web Browsers.
  • Finally, click on the 'Generate file...' button (or use 'F9' or on the menu, 'File', 'Generate file...'). A save dialog will popup, so just select your target destination and click on 'Save'.
  • If you wish to pack your stub file with an executable packer, you may do so after the file generation.

  • There are a few presets at the bottom of the CreateExt configuration window. These are suggested templates for you to use. Feel free to use them. Those presets are also accessible via the 'Preset', 'Other' menu, and the short-cut keys 'Ctrl+F1' to 'Ctrl+F6'

Any Suggestions or Query, feel free to Comment, bt Pls Dnt Spam.

Enjoy Hacking Enjoy Hackton

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