Google Offers Three New Paid Search Products

For all the PPC advertising lovers, Google has some good news for you.
At the recent SMX West conference, Google’s Nick Fox shared an insight into several of Google’s new PPC offerings. These include sitelinks, product extensions and comparison ads.
Search Engine Land has a great post explaining each of the products, so here is quick rundown:
Allows advertisers to display up to four text links underneath an AdWords ad.
Google claims they have seen a 30-40% increase in CTR from the sitelinks.
Product Extensions
Allows advertisers to display specific products and product images under the AdWords ad.
Google chooses which products are displayed and are chosen from the advertisers Google Merchant Center accounts.
Comparison Ads
Allow consumers to compare multiple relevant offers such as mortgage rates from different lenders.
If a searcher finds a relevant offer, they can call the lender or request a quote. If requesting a quote, then Google sends the company a unique code to contact the user. Advertisers only pay if the users call the phone number in the ad or request a quote.
I wonder how long it will take for Bing and Yahoo! to release something similar.

1 Responses to “Google Offers Three New Paid Search Products”

natarajan said...
September 8, 2010 at 11:33 PM

very useful information thanks

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