Adding Social Bookmarking Buttons To Blogger Posts : COMPLETE GUIDE

social bookmarking iconsAdding social bookmarking buttons to blogger posts is very important and every blogger on blogger platform should do this. Making lovely posts, keeping SEO factors in mind is not the whole thing to make you or your blog popular. Adding social bookmarking buttons will allow your readers to submit your site to popular social bookmarking sites and get noticed by a number of people. This will increase your blog’s visibility, popularity and SEO factor. Now lets discuss about this in details.

What is Social Bookmarking?

Social Bookmarking is an online version of local bookmarking where you can store, organize, search your bookmarks and share with the world. Social bookmarking site’s members share their favourite post, articles or pages with other people. You can not only access your bookmarks but also can access, surf and bookmark other people’s bookmarks. In short social bookmarking sites allow people to share their favourites with other people.

social bookmark icons

Importance Of Social Bookmarking Sites

This can be called as an alternate to search engines but this is advanced, fast and better. In general when we search something in search engines, it comes with various results. Like wise in social bookmarking sites, when we perform a search, it shows us some of it’s choosen articles. The only difference is that search engines display the sites that the search engine spiders love but here we get the results that the common people love and want to show us. Of course, the taste of people are far better than those scripted search engine spiders.

There are a loads of social bookmarking sites available today like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Delicious, Technorati, Yahoo Buzz etc. Lets talk about it’s usages. Now if you like this post of mine, you can add this to various social bookmarking sites. When you add this to social bookmarking sites, other members of that site will come to see your bookmark and will read this post. Now if they like the post, they will also add this to their favourites. Morebookmarks will result in higher ranking and this post will come up in the top positiona. Now being on top, you can easily get noticed by millions of people and then they will come to your site as traffic. There are example of people who got more than 25000 visitors to their site in a single day just because of their one post. Trust me, it works and few times may be out of our imagination also.

How To Add Social Bookmarking Buttons To Blogger Posts :

You need to make some HTML edits in order to allow your visitors to bookmark your posts on social bookmarking sites. We can take help of some third party tools or sites who provide this bookmarking tools for blogger blogs. Simply copy their code and paste in your template. Later in this post we will also discuss about the alternate ways to do this even withoutadding any third party scripts. I will describe them step by step.

Add This

Add this provides plugins to add social bookmarking buttons. They take care of everything, you just have to add their code in your template. I guess we all have seen Add This buttons. Here is the screenshot.

add this social bookmarking button

Add This can share your posts with many bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Delicious etc. It also allows your reader to email your article to anyone using it’s own system. To add this bookmarking plugin Add This, follow below steps.

  1. Go to Add This get your button page and select your button. They provide various bookmarking plugins. You can also create an account with them to get the usages statistics of this bookmarking plugin.
  2. Now get the code from their website and paste it in a notepad.
  3. Go to your blogger blog’s Template >> Edit HTML and expand your template by clicking on Expand Widget Templates.
  4. Now search for
    in your HTML template and paste your ADD THIS code just below it. This will show your bookmarking buttons just below your post.
  5. If you are having blogger hacks like Related Posts or showing tags/ads just below your post contents and want to show this bookmarking button below everything at the bottom of post, then you can add ADD THIS code below
  6. If you are using old classic blogger template, then add the code after <$BlogItemBody$>. This will do the trick.
  7. Save your Template and you are done.

What’s Next:

What’s Next is also a blogger hack to show social bookmarking buttons in your blogger posts. It’s as popular as Add This. But shows a limited no of bookmarking buttons below your blog post. It shows social bookmarking site’s like Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious. But you can easily configure it to show other bookmarking sites. Check out the below screenshot.

what's next social bookmarking button

Click on the pic to enlarge it. Pic credit : eblogtemplates

Lets discuss how to add What’s Next social bookmarking buttons to your blogger post. Remember that very less no of bloggers are using this. So, adding this to your blog will get you added to the list of those limited bloggers. Read out the step by step process to add What’s Next.

  1. Go to Template >> Edit Html and back up your template.
  2. Expand your widget by ticking on Expand Widget Templates.
  3. Search for in your HTML code.
  4. Paste the following code just below .
  5. Change YOUR-FEED-URL-HERE with your feedburner address. If you don’t have a feedburner ID, get one here.
  6. Now we have to add the styling code in our style.css which will give this a organized look. Copy the following code and paste in your style.css.
  7. Save the template and you are done.

N.B : If you have copied the above codes correctly and did everything according to the steps mentioned by me, you can see the What’s Nextsocial bookmarking buttons below your blogger posts. And that should look like the below screenshot.

whats next on blogger

There are several other social bookmarking tools available today. You can customize them according to your wish and can edit it’s appearance as well as the different options. Below I am mentioning fewsites that give social bookmarking tools for free.

Social Front : This site gives you the option to select the social bookmarking sites you want to use. You can select as many bookmarking sites as you want from their list. This can detect your post page URL automatically and hence your readers don’t need to provide the post page URL manually.

iFeedReaders : iFeadReaders provide you a list of buttons. Select your favourite bookmarking buttons, grab the code and paste in your blogger blog. It’s simple and easy.

Share This : You need to sing up with them in order to use their widget. It comes as a widget and works fine. You can relate it with Add This, but it’s a bit more advanced. Using Share This plugin is fast and easy.

Now if you are not feeling cool about using the widgets made by other sites, there are ways ways to make your bookmarking list manually. Lets have a look on it’s screenshot first.

social bookmarking widgets for blogger

This will show social bookmarking links in a button. This will be in text format. To do this, copy the below code and paste just after in your HTML body.

Now if you want to do this exact thing but want to have icons in stead of text links, then copy the below code and paste it just after in your HTML body. Adding the above code will show social bookmarking icons under your post like this screenshot. It looks cool, isn’t it?

social bookmarking icons in blogger posts

Copy the below code to have social bookmark buttons like the above screenshot.

So, here I told you about social bookmarking sites with the procedures to add social bookmarking buttons to your blogger blog. You can do this by using different blogger hacks or plugins and can also do it manually. But remember to upload the image icons somewhere at your own and use that link in your code in stead of the image links provided in the code. If you face any problems, feel free to use the comment section.

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