List Of All Extensions And Filetypes - N

This is an easy approach from me to give and describe each and every filetype and extension as much as possible.
here is the list for the information about various filetypes and extensions starting from alphabet N
Extension Information
N Neko Bytecode (Motion-Twin)
N Nuke Randomic Life Generator
N Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
N1 Nuke Randomic Life Generator
N1E OM2 OMALI NENA Encrypted Document Version 1
N2E OM2 OMALI NENA Encrypted Document Version 2
N2P Net2Phone File
N3 Notation 3 Document
N3D2 The Nebula Device 2 Mesh Resource File in ASCII Format (RadonLabs GmbH)
N3E OM2 OMALI NENA Encrypted Document Version 3
N4E OM2 OMALI NENA Encrypted Document Version 4
N64 MiMiX Emulator
N64 Nintento 64 Emulation ROM Image
NA NoAdware Data File (
NA2 Netscape Communicator Address Book
NAB Netscape Communicator Address Book
NAB Novell Groupwise Address Book (Novell, Inc.)
NACHTMUSIK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NAD Noder File
NAF Compressed Archive
NAIL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NAK Audio
NAL ArrayScribe (NimbleGen Systems Inc.)
NAL ZENworks Suite Network Delivered Application Shortcut (Novell, Inc.)
NAL Systems Management Server (SMS) Network Abstraction Layer (Microsoft Corporation)
NAM Office Name File
NAME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NAMES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NAN Nanoscope File
NAP EnerGraphics VideoShow File
NAP Napster Music Security Definition File
NAP NAP Metafile Vector Image
NAP VideoShow/EnerGraphics NAPLPS Vector Image Metafile
NAP ePolicy Orchestrator Network Associates Package (Policy File) (Network Associates Technology, Inc.)
NAP Electrical Network Analysis and Planification
NAPLPS North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax = Vector image
NAR .NET Archive
NAR Nikon Capture Advanced RAW File (Nikon Inc.)
NARC Nintendo ARChive (Nintendo)
NAS Nasal Script (Andy Ross)
NASB TheWord & Bible Companion New American Standard Bible
NASL Nessus Attack Scripting Language Key File (Tenable Network Security)
NAV Counter-Strike: Source CSBot Navigation Mesh (Valve Corporation)
NAV Navigator Desktop File (Tecepe)
NAV Application Extension (Microsoft Corporation)
NAV Microsoft Network Component (Microsoft Corporation)
NAV MSN Application Extension
NAVGTR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NAY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NAZ EMC Navisphere Management Suite Performance Log (EMC Corporation)
NB Nota Bene Document File (Nota Bene Associates, Inc.)
NB Mathematica Notebook (Wolfram Research, Inc.)
NB WordPerfect Notebook (Corel Corporation)
NB0 Microsoft Device Emulator OS image (Microsoft Corporation)
NB7 NovaBACKUP System Configuration File (NovaStor Corporation)
NBA Nota Bene Configuration Information File (Nota Bene Associates, Inc.)
NBA NBA Game Data
NBATTRS NetBeans Project Attributes File (Collab.Net, Inc.)
NBE Nessus File
NBE nBill Extension (Netshine Software Limited)
NBF Backup NOW! Backup Archive (NewTech Infosystems)
NBF NVIDIA Scene Graphic (NVIDIA Corporation)
NBG NBG Clean Registry File
NBI BackItUp (v1.x) Document (Nero AG)
NBK Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NBK NovaBACKUP Script (NovaStor Corporation)
NBK i-Brarian
NBM Guy's Power Albums Archive
NBM NetBeans Module (Sun)
NBP NetBiter webSCADA Firmware Patch (Intellicom Innovation AB)
NBP NeoBook Plug-in (NeoSoft Corp.)
NBP Mathematica Player Notebook File (Wolfram Research, Inc.)
NBP Western Digital Backup File (Western Digital Corporation)
NBU Nokia PC Suite Content Copier (Backup) File (Nokia)
NBU NetBiter webSCADA Firmware Update (Intellicom Innovation AB)
NC Preprosessed GOC Source
NC NetCDF Network Common Data Form (Unidata)
NC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NC Geopath Machine Part File (SolutionWare Corporation)
NC Graphics File
NC Mastercam NC Programs (CNC Software, Inc.)
NC neatComponents
NC Numerical Control Machine Instructions
NC X-editor Program for CNC Machines (X-net ApS)
NCA NetCam Supervisor Archive
NCA Nikon Capture Color Adjustment File (Nikon Inc.)
NCB Developer Studio File (Microsoft Corporation)
NCB Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NCB Nikon Capture Color Booster File (Nikon Inc.)
NCC Nikon Capture Camera File (Nikon Inc.)
NCC Nokia PC Suite Content Copier File (Nokia)
NCC NetCam Supervisor Directory
NCC NetControl V1 1999
NCC Computer Numeric Control File
NCD Norton Change Directory
NCD CoverDesigner CD Cover Picture (Nero)
NCD NTI CD-Maker File
NCD Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Native Circuit Description (Xilinx, Inc.)
NCE Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NCF GibbsCAM CNC Program Listing (Gibbs and Associates, Inc.)
NCF Netware Command File (Novell, Inc.)
NCF Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NCF Systems Management Server (SMS) Network Configuration File (Microsoft Corporation)
NCF Notes Internal Clipboard (IBM)
NCF Steam Game Configuration File (Valve Corporation)
NCH Outlook Express Folder File (Microsoft Corporation)
NCH On Hold Message/Music File
NCI NetCam Supervisor Meta Data
NCI Mastercam Toolpath File (CNC Software, Inc.)
NCL RHS Nibbles Custom Level (Redwood High School)
NCM NetCam Supervisor Video
NCM Communicator Configuration Message (Nokia)
NCO Nero BackItUp Compressed Backup File (Nero AG)
NCP NHL Ice Hockey 2002 User NHLcards File
NCS Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) Compiled Script (BioWare/Pandemic Studios)
NCS Netscape Conference Call File
NCSA NCSA Hierarchical Data File Bitmap
NCT Nero Cover Designer Template (Nero AG)
NCV Nikon Capture Curves File (Nikon Inc.)
NCX SecurDataStor Secure Archive (encryptX Corporation)
NDA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NDA Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDAS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NDB ProWORX Nxt Short Comment (Schneider Electric)
NDB SeeYou Waypoint (Naviter)
NDB Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDB NetOp Various Information Files
NDB ACT! Notes Data File (Best Software CRM Division)
NDB Intellicom Network Database
NDB NEPLAN Loads (Node Data) and Feeders File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
NDC Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDCT DALiM LiTHO Continuous Tone Bitmap (Blanchard Systems Inc.)
NDD Nikon Capture Digital DEE File (Nikon Inc.)
NDF NeoPlanet Browser File
NDF ProWORX Nxt Short Comment (Schneider Electric)
NDF Channel Data File
NDF NimbleScan NimbleGen Design File (NimbleGen Systems Inc.)
NDF SQL Server Secondary Data File (Microsoft Corporation)
NDG Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDK Notes Database Design Elements (IBM)
NDK OS/2 Saved Disk Format (IBM)
NDL Nodelist File
NDL Notes Link (IBM)
NDL Inmos Hardware Network Description File
NDL Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDM Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Demo (Activision, Inc.)
NDO 3D Low-polygon Modeler
NDP Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDQ Totem Cash Data File
NDR RAVE Reports Report File (Nevrona Designs)
NDR Nikon Capture Image Dust Off File (Nikon Inc.)
NDS Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Saved Game (Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.)
NDS Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NDS Nintendo DS Game ROM Image (Nintendo)
NDT NEPLAN External Program Import/Export File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
NDW Allplan Drawing File (Nemetschek A.G.)
NDX Index
NDX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NDX ArcView Fonts Index File (ESRI)
NDX Rational XDE (IBM)
NE1 OM2 OMALI NENA Document Version 1
NE2 OM2 OMALI NENA Document Version 2
NE3 OM2 OMALI NENA Document Version 3
NE4 OM2 OMALI NENA Document Version 4
NEB Nortec H.E.L.P.
NEBULA Homeworld Nebula Data (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
NEBULOS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEC NEC JIS Encoded File
NEC PIMS Notes for Windows CE Audio Record File (Nacetech Co., Ltd.)
NEC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NED MSN Application Extension
NED OMNeT++/OMNEST Network Description File (AndrĂ¡s Varga)
NEEDS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEF Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File (Nikon Inc.)
NEGPOS ColorNeg Film Description File (CF Systems)
NEN Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NEO Atari NeoChrome Bitmap Image (Atari)
NEO NeoPhoto NeoPhoto Album (Archive) (DTLink)
NEO40SFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEPPRJ NEPLAN Project File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
NES Nintendo Entertainment System ROM Image (Nintendo)
NES Nessus Attack Scripting Language Key File (Tenable Network Security)
NET EPANET Data File (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
NET FileMaker Pro Networking Module
NET netViz Project (netViz Corporation)
NET Network Configuration
NET OrCAD Netlist Output File (Cadence Design Systems, Inc.)
NET Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator Network Definition
NETA Netica Bayes Net File (Norsys Software Corp.)
NETCDF Scientific data NETwork Common Data Format
NETMODULE .NET Framework .NET Module (Microsoft Corporation)
NEU MENSI 3D Laser Scanner File
NEU GAMBIT Control Information (ANSYS, Inc.)
NEUALL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEUCHEAT1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEW New Information
NEWFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEWORDER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEWPLR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEWS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEWS News Bitmap Image
NEWSLETTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEWTECH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEX Neurological Data for Statistical Analysis
NEX Nexcon System File
NEXTURN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NEZ Nintento NES ROM Image
NF CVIP NF_help File
NF2 NeverForget Reminder File (National Creative Registry, Inc.)
NFB Nokia PC Suite Content Copier (Backup) File (Nokia)
NFC Netware Command File (Typo)
NFC Nokia PC Suite Content Copier File (Nokia)
NFE Nikon Capture Fisheye Lens Info File (Nikon Inc.)
NFF Haines Neutral File Format and WorldToolkit minimal 3D scene description language
NFF WorldToolKit Neutral File Format (Sense8)
NFG Gambit Normal Form Representation (The Gambit Project)
NFG RHS Nibbles Finished Game File (Redwood High School)
NFI DreamBox Image File (Dream Multimedia GmbH)
NFL AutoCAD Multiline Filter List (Autodesk, Inc.)
NFL Sierra Mastercook Layout File
NFM NFM Archival Data Format File (Prevo Technologies, Inc.)
NFO Folio Infobase (Fast Search & Transfer (FAST))
NFO Warez Group Info File
NFO Text File
NFO System Info File (Microsoft Corporation)
NFO JCanyon: Grand Canyon for Java DEM Companion File
NFT Netobjects Fusion Netobjects System File
NFX Netobjects Fusion Components BBScomp File
NG Norton Guide Online Documentation
NGB Nonogram Puzzle
NGD Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Native Generic Database (Xilinx, Inc.)
NGD NimbleScan NimbleGen Gene Description File (NimbleGen Systems Inc.)
NGF Enterasys Networks NetSight Generated Format File
ngfile Newsgroup File
NGG Nokia Phone Group Graphics/Icons (Nokia)
NGL Stenograph Transcript File (Stenograph, L.L.C.)
NGL Sheffield Dictionary File
NGO numberGo Dynamic Report (numberGo, LLC)
NGO NG Linker Object (NGML)
NGO Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NGP NeoGeo Pocket ROM Image
NGR NEPLAN Graphic (Single Line Diagram) Data File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
NGR Nokia PC Suite Install Archive (Nokia)
NGS NG Compiler Source (NGC)
NGS NGSSniff File
NH NetHack Defaults File
NHB No Hands Backup Backup Description (Anders Petersson's Free Software)
NHF Nero HFS-CD Compilation (Nero AG)
NHL NHL Ice Hockey Game 2002 User Teams File
NHM Systems Management Server (SMS) No History MIF File (Microsoft Corporation)
NHV Nero HD-BURN-Video Compilation (Nero AG)
NI Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NI Netobjects Fusion Preview File
NIA Nikon Capture Image Adjustment File (Nikon Inc.)
NIB Corel Graphics10 Photopoint File
NIB Interface Builder User Interface Resources (Apple Inc.)
NIC Nici Encrypted Image/Graphic File (The DiScosel Group)
NIC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NICHOLS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NICK Office Data File (Microsoft Corporation)
NICO Nolan's Icon Maker Icon File (Nolan's Games)
NID Nikon Capture IPTC Data File (Nikon Inc.)
NIF Notation Interchange File Format (NIFF)
NIF Network Initialization File
NIF Navy Image File Format
NIF GameBryo Format File (Emergent Game Technologies)
NIF NetImmerse Format File (Numerical Design Limited)
NIF NetShift Interface File (NetShift Software Ltd.)
NIFF Notation Interchange File Format
NIFF Navy Interchange File Format Bitmap
NIGHT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NIGHTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NII NIfTI-1 Data Format (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative)
NIL Norton Icon Library File
NIM Nokia Phone Game File (Nokia)
nindex Newsgroup Index File
NIP Network Interface Plug-in
NIRVANA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NIS Homeworld Non-Interactive Sequence (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
NIT ArcView INFO Table Definitions File (ESRI)
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format
NIV TheWord & Bible Companion New International Version Bible
NIX Rational XDE (IBM)
NJB Nikon Digital SLR Camera Image Index File (Nikon Inc.)
NJP njPipes Compiler File
NJX NJStar Document
NK2 Outlook AutoComplete File (Microsoft Corporation)
NKC ECG Viewer (Nihon Kohden Corporation)
NKI Native Instruments Instruments File (Native Instruments, Inc.)
NKJV TheWord & Bible Companion New King James Version Bible
NKM KONTAKT (Native Instruments)
NKS Native Instruments Library File (Native Instruments, Inc.)
NKY NUMROTOplus Keyfile (NUM Guettinger)
NL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NL Norton Desktop Icon Library
NLB Oracle 7 Data
NLB Colin Mc Rae Car Race Network Leader Board
NLC NeroLINUX Compilation (Nero AG)
NLD ATI Radeon Video Driver
NLD Windows Media Audio/Video File (Microsoft Corporation)
NLF MicroSim PCBoard Netlist File for Schematics
NLF ReliaSoft Weibull++ 6
NLIST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NLM Nokia Phones LogoManager Bitmap (Nokia)
NLM Netware Loadable Module (Novell)
NLO NetG Skill Builder
NLP Newsletter Profi 2001
NLR NLREG Nonlinear Regression Control File (Phillip H. Sherrod)
NLS Virus W32/Alman-B and Others
NLS Code Page National Language Support
NLTRACK NoLimits Rollercoaster Simulator Track File
NLU Practice Platform Shortcut (neuroLanguage Corporation)
NLU Norton Live Update E-Mail Trigger File
NLV Nikon Capture LCHE Editor File (Nikon Inc.)
NLX FormWorx Form
NM RM Number Magic Data File (RM plc)
NM2 Navitel Navigator Ver 3.1 Map (GPS Moldova)
NMA GPS Log Data
NMA Normalised Extinction Corrected Differential Photometry
NMAT NeoEngine (Reality Rift Studios)
NMD Nero miniDVD Compilation (Nero AG)
NMD SwordSearcher File
NMDAR Connectivity Memory Model Input File When Tau1=0.0
NMF Nuzzler Basic Message File (Securepoint Security Solutions)
NMF Note-Mate Question Set (StudySoft)
NMF Lightwave Narmal Map
NMF Nuzzler Basic Rule Definition File (Securepoint Security Solutions)
NMI SwordSearcher File
NMK Oc2.316s Cakit File
NML NML Language Source File (NevoSoft)
NML .nugthat Compiler Source Code (.nugthat Mark-up Language) (Nuggets Unlimited, Inc.)
NML NEURO ONE Static Neuron Model (Netral)
NML NewsMail 2.0 E-mail Newsletter (ESU-Soft)
NMO Virtools Behavioral Objects
NMS Numega Softice's Loader File
NMS Virtools Graphical Scripts
NMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NMS Note-Mate Save Position (StudySoft)
NMV Nintendulator Movie Capture
NMW Netmeeting T126 Compatable Whiteboard Document (Microsoft Corporation)
NNB ANNI (Artificial Neural Network Investing) Batch File (Neural Science)
NNB newnovelist Story Outline
NNI ANNI (Artificial Neural Network Investing) Archive of Learned Information (Neural Science)
NNP ANNI (Artificial Neural Network Investing) Portfolio File (Neural Science)
NNR Nikon Capture Noise Reduction File (Nikon Inc.)
NNVS NextNine VNC Player Server to Client Part of VNC Session (NextNine Ltd.)
NOA Cell Phone Video Clip
NOA Nancy Video CODEC
NOB VersaPro Word Exchange File
NOB Vampire: La Mascarade Archive
NOB Silver Sprites and Data
NOD Noder File
NOD NetObjects Fusion
NOFIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOI TGIF-3.0 File
NOKIA Nokia Ringtone (Nokia)
NOKTXT Nokia Ringtone (Nokia)
NOL Nokia Phone Operator (Manager) Logo (Nokia)
NOM Aonix Nomad
NOMFICHIER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NON Star Wars - Tie Fighter Mouse Options
NON Nonogram Puzzle
NOR ATI Radeon Video Driver
NOR Personal Paint Norwegian Language User Interface File (Amiga)
NORMAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NORUN Unknown
NOT Note-It Note File (Veign)
NOT e-Sword Study Note File (Rick Meyers)
NOT Acrobat Spelling File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
NOT ActiveNote Post-It-Notes
NOT Broderbund Note Card Type (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NOT Notation or Note
NOTE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTE WordPerfect for Macintosh Help Document (Corel Corporation)
NOTE91 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTEBOOK SMART Notebook (SMART Technologies ULC)
NOTEPAD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTES Réviseur de notes Notes File (Fichier de notes) (Francis Gagné)
NOTES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTESEQ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTESYN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTESYNTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOTICE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NOW Text File
NP Cliq Accessories Notepad Text
NP Portfolio NetPublish Web Template (Extensis, Inc.)
NP Planner Project Schedule (Nokia)
NPA ReliaSoft Weibull++ 6
NPAC NeoEngine Resource Package (Reality Rift Studios)
NPC Jagged Alliance 2 Non-Player Character File (Sir-tech Canada Ltd.)
NPC Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NPD Netrosoft Presentation Document (Netrosoft Corporation)
NPD Ultra Network Sniffer Captured Packet (GJPSoft, Inc.)
NPD Noder File
NPDOC Newspilot Document (Infomaker Scandinavia AB)
NPEXT Newspilot External Document (Infomaker Scandinavia AB)
NPF Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NPG Die Hard - Nakatomi Plaza Saved Game (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
NPG NextPlay Game Data (Covac Software)
NPI Nikon Capture Filters File (Nikon Inc.)
NPI dBASE Application Generator Source
NPI Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NPIMG Newspilot Image Metadata (Infomaker Scandinavia AB)
NPJOB Newspilot Job Description (Infomaker Scandinavia AB)
NPK n-Track Studio Peak Files (n-Track Software)
NPK MikroTik RouterOS Upgrade Package (MikroTik)
NPL Core Media Player Nefertiti Playlist (CoreCodec, Inc.)
NPL DART Pro 98 Noiseprint Info
NPL Allplan Plot Layout File (Nemetschek A.G.)
NPL Nokia Audio File (Nokia)
NPL Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Project File (Xilinx, Inc.)
NPM Corel Graphics Ver 10 Draw Media Lines File (Corel)
NPM Nokia Phone Picture Message (Nokia)
NPM Neopaint Mask
NPM Norton 360 Identity Safe Profile (Symantec Corporation)
NPP Art Explosion Publisher Pro Document (Nova Development Corporation)
NPS NeroMix (Nero AG)
NPS Lotus Agenda File
NPSEW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NPT Portfolio NetPublish Pre-cursor Templates (Extensis, Inc.)
NPT DART Pro 98 Noiseprint Archive Import
NPV Pixbend Player Pixbend Media File (Nexilogic)
NPZ nProtect GameGuard Update File (INCA Internet Co, Ltd.)
NQC Not Quite C Source Code (Dave Baum)
NQI NOD32 Quarantined File Information (ESET, LLC and ESET, spol. s.r.o.)
NR3 Nero MP3 CD-ROM Compilation (Nero AG)
NR4 Nero AAC CD Compilation (Nero AG)
NRA Nero Audio-CD Compilation (Nero AG)
NRB Nero CD-ROM Boot Compilation (Nero AG)
NRC Nero UDF/ISO CD-ROM Compilation (Nero AG)
NRD Nero DVD-Video Compilation (Nero AG)
NRE Nero CD Extra Compilation (Nero AG)
NRF Neutral Raster File Bitmap
NRF Nicolet DataViewer Multi-segment Waveform Data (Nicolet Instrument Technologies, Inc.)
NRF NEC Scanner File
NRG Nero CD-Image File (Nero AG)
NRG Norton Registration Entries (Symantec Corporation)
NRH Nero Hybrid CD-ROM Compilation (Nero AG)
NRI Nero ISO CD-ROM Compilation (Nero AG)
NRI Trickster Online Image (NTREEV SOFT)
NRL iManage File
NRM Nero Mixed-Mode-CD Compilation (Nero AG)
NRS Nero CD-ROM (EFI Boot) Compilation (Nero AG)
NRSV TheWord & Bible Companion New Revised Standard Version Bible
NRT Nokia Phone Ring Tone (Nokia)
NRU Nero UDF CD-ROM Compilation (Nero AG)
NRV Nero Video-CD Compilation (Nero AG)
NRW Nero WMA CD-ROM Compilation (Nero AG)
NRW Nikon RAW Image (Nikon Corporation)
NRX NeatReceipts SCANALIZER Expense Report File (NeatReceipts)
NS1 NetStumbler NS1 Log
NS2 Notes Ver 2 Database (Older Form) (IBM)
NS3 Notes Database (Older Form) (IBM)
NS4 Notes Database (Older Form) (IBM)
NS5 Notes/Domino (IBM)
NSB Novaschem School Schedule
NSC Noder File
NSC Windows Media Station File
NSCE NeoEngine Scene File (Reality Rift Studios)
NSD Nero Super Video CD Compilation (Nero AG)
NSD NRG Site Database
NSD Norton System Doctor Sensors Configuration (Symantec Corporation)
NSDF NevoSoftDB Standard Format Database File (NevoSoft)
NSE Nmap Security Scanner Scripting Engine File
NSF Notes Database (IBM)
NSF NES Sound File
NSG Nessie Saved State
NSG Notes Database (Older Form) (IBM)
NSH Notes Database (Older Form) (IBM)
NSH Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) Header/Include File
NSI Install System Script (Nullsoft)
NSI NewsStand Reader (NewsStand, Inc.)
NSI Symantec Shared File (Symantec Corporation)
NSIS Compressed Archive
NSK NaShrinK Archive (NashSoft Systems)
NSL Nokia Phone Startup Logo (Nokia)
NSM NESticle Movie
NSO NetStudio Easy Web Graphics File
NSO Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited)
NSOF NoteStar v1.2a + Options Data (Jayden Carr)
NSP Multi-Speech Sound File (Kay Elemetrics Corp.)
NSP Computerized Speech Lab Audio Speech Format (Kay Elemetrics Corp.)
NSR Nessus Project
NSR Nikon Capture Size and Resolution File (Nikon Inc.)
NSRD SH&E NetWorks Report Design (Simat, Helliesen and Eichner, Inc.)
NSS Bioware Aurora / Obsidian Electron NWN NWScript Source File (BioWare Corp.)
NSS Norton ScreenSaver Module
NST Audio
NST Noise Tracker Music Module
NSV Nullsoft (Streaming|S as in Soft) Video (Nullsoft, Inc.)
NSV Winamp3 Video Format File
NSX SuccessWare SIX 3.00 Compound Index File
NSX HiPer-Six Index File
NSX Apollo Database Engine Index
NT Windows NT Command Script (Microsoft Corporation)
NT0 Adressmn
NT1 Adressmn
NT2 Adressmn
NT3 Adressmn
NT6 Orchida Knitting System Universal Flat Knitting Machine Pattern (Orchida Soft)
NT7 Orchida Knitting System Universal Flat Knitting Machine Pattern (Orchida Soft)
NTC Nikon Capture Camera Curves Information File (Nikon Inc.)
NTD Netrosoft Word Processor Text Document (Netrosoft Corporation)
NTE Holonote Note
NTF National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) (
NTF National Transfer Format Map File
NTF Notes Database Template (IBM)
NTH Series 60 Theme Studio for Symbian OS Theme File (Nokia)
NTH ImageMagick Ver. 5.3.2 Visualmagick JBIG File (ImageMagick Studio LLC)
NTM Navitel Navigator Ver 2.0 Map (GPS Moldova)
NTN NOTION Performance Score (VirtuosoWorks, Inc.)
NTO NTOScanner
NTP Neato CD Labels
NTR Netrun Executable Text File
NTRK IL2 Track File (Ubisoft Entertainment)
NTS Netsend Executable Text File
NTS Norman TurboStore Database Data Storage (Norman ASA)
NTS Norton Tutorial
NTS Psion Organiser Notepad File (Psion PLC)
NTT Neato Label Template (Neato)
NTT CD Label Template
NTV PatternSmith Import File (Autometrix)
NTW LVNet - Low Voltage Networks Analysis
NTW Lode Data Network (Lode Data Corporation)
NTW Noteworthy Composer Song File (NoteWorthy Software, Inc.)
NTX PIMS Notes for Windows CE Text Note File (Nacetech Co., Ltd.)
NTX yEnc32 yEncoded File
NTX Clipper Index
NTX CARIS Marine Navigation Info
NTX NTX Web Audio File
NTX Network Terminal Accelerator Adapter Card Configuration Information
NTZ InVircible Directory Integrity Information
NU4 Norton Utilities DLL Root File (Symantec Corporation)
NU6 Norton Utilities System DLL File
NUF Procomm Plus New User Message
NUG .nugthat Player Nugget File (Nuggets Unlimited, Inc.)
NUL Grand Theft Auto (Playstation 2) Game File (Rockstar Games)
NUL CCS-lib.2 ACS File
NUM DOS 7 File
NUM Guitar Chords in Nashville Numbering System Format
NUM Nikon Capture Unsharp Mask File (Nikon Inc.)
NUM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NUMBER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NUMBERS Numbers Spreadsheet (Apple Inc.)
NUMBERWHEEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NUMBRWHEEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NUOVO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NUP NOD32 Digitally Signed Update File (Eset)
NUT Star Fox: Assault Texture File (Namco Bandai Holdings, Incorporated)
NUT .nugthat Player (Nuggets Unlimited, Inc.)
NUT NUT Open Container
NUV MythTV NuppelVideo Video File
NUWAGE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NV Juno Access Number Info File (Juno Online Services, Inc.)
NV NewViews Accounting Database (Q.W. Page Associates Inc.)
NV Visicontrol MVS-20 Non-Volatile Memory Backup File
NV! Net Transport Partial Download (Exciting Software)
NV2 NewViews Accounting Database (Q.W. Page Associates Inc.)
NV3 Visicontrol MVS-30/35/40 Flash-Memory Backup File
NVB NVIDIA Scene (NVIDIA Corporation)
NVC NeroVision Express Project File (Nero AG)
NVC Nikon Capture Vignette Correction Information File (Nikon Inc.)
NVD AOLpress Help
NVD NetworkView Network Discovery
NVF Nomad II Voice File (Creative Technology, Ltd.)
NVF Visicontrol MVS-20 Non-Volatile Memory Backup File
NVL Netviewer Meet Session Recording (Netviewer AG)
NVM AOLpress Help
NVP Nero Effects Filter (Nero AG)
NVR NeverForget Reminder File (National Creative Registry, Inc.)
NVU NVIDIA Graphics Card Driver (NVIDIA Corporation)
NVV NVIDIA Vertex Shader (NVIDIA Corporation)
NVX2 The Nebula Device 2 Mesh Resource File in Binary Format (RadonLabs GmbH)
NW Dispatch Northwest Timetable File (Scott Andrew Borton)
NW Noweb File (Norman Ramsey)
NW Graal Level (Cyberjoueurs)
NW NoteWorthy 2 File
NW3 Netware.3x File
NW4 Netware.4x File
NW8 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NWB Nikon Capture White Balance File (Nikon Inc.)
NWC NavisWorks File
NWC Noteworthy Composer Song File (NoteWorthy Software, Inc.)
NWD NavisWorks File
NWF NavisWorks File
NWID NeoEngine (Reality Rift Studios)
NWK Nano Wiki Engine Wiki Data Source (Silvio Torre)
NWN BioWare Aurora Engine Module (BioWare Corp.)
NWP NEO Content File
NWPD VivaNWP Designer Template (VIVA)
NWS Outlook Express News File (Microsoft Corporation)
NWS Creatacard Newsletter or Photo Album or Presentation or Report Cover or Resume Project (Broderbund)
NWS Newsmaster or Newsmaster II Data File
NWV Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Profile File (Scansoft, Inc.)
NWX NWX Editor (TheOutlawDad)
NWX Outlaws Choreography (LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC)
NW_ Noteworthy Compressed Audio File
NX1 NexusDB Database (Nexus Database Systems)
NX2 NexusDB Database (Nexus Database Systems)
NXD ndxCards Index Card Project (TruTamil LLC)
NXP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NXP NEXUS Expansion Pack (reFX Audio Software Inc.)
NXP2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NXS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
NXT NeXT Sound File
NY Nyquist Plug-in
NYF Mybase Database (WJJ Software)
NYM Sheffield Dictionary File
NYT Times Reader Article (New York Times)
NZ NanoZip NanoZip Compressed Archive File
NZ Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File
NZB Newzbin Download Pointer File (Newzbin Ltd)
NZL Corel Painter Nozzle File

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