List Of All Extensions And Filetypes - K

This is an easy approach from me to give and describe each and every filetype and extension as much as possible.
here is the list for the information about various filetypes and extensions starting from alphabet K
Extension Information
K Desktop Color Separation Specification Black Layer
K NRJ Live File
K IRIS Editor Format File (eurobraille)
K00 Tonline DB File
K01 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K01 Tonline DB File
K02 Tonline DB File
K02 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K03 Tonline DB File
K03 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K04 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K05 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K06 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K07 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K08 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K09 Clarion DOS Database Key File (SoftVelocity)
K1S Wave Glib19 File
K2 Kar2ouche Storyboard File
K25 Kodak DC25 Digital Camera File
K25 Kurzweil 2500 Sample (Kurzweil Music Systems, Inc.)
K3D 3DS Macro Language Description
K4E Karaoke 4 Player/Editor File (Karaoke 4
K7 DCMO6 Emulator Tape Image
KA Karma Asset
KAF Resurrection Matchmaker! MapPack (Wildman-Productions)
KAL KManager Calibration Data File (Hondata, Inc.)
KAL Sfkal Calender Kal_40 File
KAN Kwalitan Annotation (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KAP MapInfo Sea Chart (MapInfo Corporation)
KAR FOX+ 2.0
KAR Keep-It Archive (Remember International Associates Ltd)
KAR Karaoke MIDI File
KAT Katorzer Music Composition
KAU KeyAudit Software Audit
KAW Karma Workspace
KB Knowledge Pro Source Code
KB C++ Keyboard Script (Borland Software Corporation)
KBD Keyboard Script File Layout (Microsoft Corporation)
KBD Dungeon Lords Game Data (Typhoon Games (HK) Ltd.)
KBD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KBF MyInfo Documnet/Outline (Milenix Software)
KBI Keirsey-Bates Temperament Sorter Index
KBM Reflection Keyboard Script File Layout
KBM Scala Keyboard Mapping
KBN TeamSpeak Keybinding File (TeamSpeak Systems)
KBP Keirsey-Bates Temperament Sorter Profile
KBR The Drums Pro file
KBR Keirsey-Bates Temperament Sorter Data
KBS ACE Studio Model Builder
KBX AVG Keyboard Shortcut Definitions (AVG Technologies)
KBX KBOX Heroes Factory File (KBOX Team)
KCC KeywordConvert Keyword/Phrase Combine List (FormatBlue Software)
KCF Sony Ericsson Remote Control Configuration
KCF KiSS Configuration File
KCH KChess Notation File (Ark Angles)
KCL KeywordConvert Keyword/Phrase List (FormatBlue Software)
KCL Kyoto Common LISP Source Code
KCM KönyvCalc File (MM.sys Számítástechnikai Bt.)
KCO Kwalitan Codes (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KCP Keychamp File
KCT Kwalitan Categories (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KDB KeePass Password Database (ver 1.x) (Dominik Reichl)
KDB kusziDataBase Database File (kusziNET)
KDB Doobs Database (Kyuran's World)
KDB kinodb File (datb)
KDBX KeePass Password Database (ver 2.x) (Dominik Reichl)
KDC Kwalitan Document (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KDC Kodak RAW Bitmap Image (Eastman Kodak Company)
KDEVELOP KDevelop Global Project Configuration Information (KDevelop Team)
KDEVPRJ KDevelop Project File (KDevelop Team)
KDEVSES KDevelop Specific Behavior Configuration File (KDevelop Team)
KDF Kinkos Photo (Kinko's, Inc.)
KDF VisiQuest (Khoros) Standard Data Format (AccuSoft)
KDK Kodak Proprietary Decimated TIFF Format
KDO Kudo Picture Browser
KDT Medbasin Evaporation Data (National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Reclamation Works & Water Resources Management)
KDW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KE$ Modem Bitware Fax Disk2 File
KED KEDIT Profile and Macro File
KEN Player CDcheck Compressed File
KEP SapShow Training File (SAP)
KEP Turbo Pascal DOS TP19 Compressed Kepler File (Borland Software Corporation)
KERNEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KES Kurzweil 1000 and 3000 Accessible Documents (Kurzweil Educational Systems, Inc.)
KEV JAWS for Windows Preload File (Freedom Scientific)
KEX KEDIT Macro File
KEX Haxial KRE KRE Executable (Haxial Software Pty Ltd.)
KEXI Kexi Native Database File (KDE e.V.)
KEXIS Kexi Database Connection Parameter File (KDE e.V.)
KEXT Mac OS X Kernel Extension (Apple Inc.)
KEY FractInt Demo Script
KEY Program Security or Registration File
KEY National Construction Estimator 32 Costbook Key File
KEY Kaspersky Anti-virus Toolkit Key File (Kaspersky Lab)
KEY Sentry 2020 Encryption File
KEY Top Secret Crypto Gold (TAN$TAAFL Software Company)
KEY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KEY AntiVir PersonalEdition License Key File (AntiVir PersonalProducts GmbH)
KEY Keyboard Definition File
KEY Infinity Game Engine Directory of Resources, Locations and Types (BioWare Corp.)
KEY Business Key Accounting File (Universal Systems)
KEY BioWare Aurora Engine Resource File (BioWare Corp.)
KEY Notes 5 Full Text Index (IBM)
KEY Keynote Presentation Wrapper Folder (Apple Inc.)
KEY OS/2 Archive .KEY-file
KEY Forecast Pro Datafile
KEY ArcView Geocoding Matching Keys (ESRI)
KEY DataCAD Icon Toolbar File (DATACAD LLC)
KEY Avira Product Key (Avira GmbH)
KEY Diablo II Key File (Blizzard Entertainment)
KEY1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KEYBOARD Amaya Configuration
KEYCHANGER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KEYNOTE iWork Keynote File (Apple Inc.)
KEYS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KE_ Ntgraph Ze32v215 File
KF2 Max Payne Model File (Rockstar Games)
KFA IRIS Shortened Format (eurobraille)
KFA Dark Age of Camelot Animation
KFI IRIS Native Data File (eurobraille)
KFL KFLog Airfield File
KFL IRIS Literary (eurobraille)
KFL Kwalitan Filter (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KFL Pegasus Mail Auto-Reply Memory File (David Harris)
KFM KEY Form Designer Form Design (Broderbund)
KFM GameBryo KFM File (Emergent Game Technologies)
KFN KaraFun Karaoke Song (RECISIO S.A.R.L.)
KFP Kinkos File Prep Tool
KFS Max Payne Model File (Rockstar Games)
KFS Pegasus Mail Static Kill File (David Harris)
KFT Matrox X Tools Keyframe (Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.)
KFX KoFax Group 4 Image
KFX 2D Graphic
KGB Kremlin Encrypt File
KGB KGB Archiver Compressed Archive (Tomasz Pawlak)
KGB Z80 Spectrum Emulator Snap/File Format
KGP Image
KHD ViewChoice (Payroll Associates, LLC)
KHF Kwalitan Tree Structure (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KHS Kwalitan History (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KHTMP Google Earth Temporary Object Location (Google)
KIC Kodak Image Compression File (Eastman Kodak Company)
KICK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KICK3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KID Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KID Tonline Bsw4 Install Mdmimp File
KID Kidspiration (Inspiration Software, Inc.)
KIF Knowledge Interchange Format Draft Proposition
KIF AutoCAD Key Index (Autodesk, Inc.)
KIK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KIL Interview File
KILLER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KIM Commodore KIM-1 Program Image File
KIN Kinemage Chemical Protein Language
KIP OA-KIP Client Data Transfer File (van Ovost Automatisering b.v.)
KIT Battery Drum Kit (Native Instruments)
KIT 20-20 Design Kitchen Design (20-20 Technologies)
KIT Power Chord Drum Kit
KIT Raven Toolkit File
KITCHEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KITTEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KIX KiXtart Script
KIZ Kodak Digital Postcard File
KIZ UUencoded File
KJV TheWord & Bible Companion King James Version Bible
KK1 ViewChoice (Payroll Associates, LLC)
KK2 ViewChoice (Payroll Associates, LLC)
KKW RoboHELP Keyword Help Project Index File
KL Haxial Compiler Haxial KL Source File (Haxial Software Ltd.)
KLB Klemmbretter
KLB GraphicWorks Album
KLD Dungeon Keeper 2 Playable Map (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
KLI KalKulator Linear Algebra File
KLIP KlipFolio Klip (serence inc.)
KLN COLOGNE Multilingual Transliteration Scheme
KM COOL Biz Database Diagram (Sterling Software, Inc.)
KM BMC Software Patrol File
KM2 ActiveModeler Professional Process Map (KAISHA-Tec Co. Ltd.)
KM3 Kernel MetaMetaModel
KMA Video Hoster Karaoke File (Micro Technology Unlimited)
KMA Kodak Memory Album (Kodak)
KMA Correlate K-Map Structure (Correlate AS.)
kmap lyx Keymap
KMC Correlate (Correlate AS.)
KMD Model Browser File (Metis)
KMD Media Desktop File (Kaaza)
KMD AIMAX Keyboard Macro (TA Engineering)
KMD ABSTAT for Windows Batch File (AndersonBell Corp)
KMD Clicker Module Output
KMDR Kommander (KDE Web Dev Team)
KMF Kwalitan Memo (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KML Kedit Macro Library
KML HP48 Emulator Win48 Script
KML Emu48 Emulator Keyboard Configuration File
KML Keyhole Placemark (Google)
KML Google Earth Placemark (Google)
KMN SIL Hebrew Font System Keyboard
KMP Ketchum Media Player Playlist (Ketchum Software Inc.)
KMP Correlate K-Map KnowledgeMap (Correlate AS)
KMP Knowledge Manager Knowledge Base Compressed Map (Hypersoft-net)
KMP Korg Trinity KeyMaP File
KMP KORG Trinity/Triton Multisample (KORG)
KMS Model Browser Shortcut (Metis)
KMS Correlate Solution Topics (Correlate AS.)
KMV Model Browser File (Metis)
KMY KMyMoney Decompressed XML Data
KMZ Google Earth Saved Working Session (Google)
KMZ Correlate K-Map Zipped KnowledgeMap (Correlate AS)
KM_ Seqmax Seqprest Compressed Audio File
KND NEPLAN NEPLAN-DOS Import/Export File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
KNF Orchida Knitting System (Orchida Soft)
KNF Personal Knowbase Custom Import Filter (Bitsmith Software)
KNF Universal Flat Knitting Machine Pattern Design
KNN Clarion for Windows Database Key (SoftVelocity)
KNO Personal Knowbase Data (Bitsmith Software)
KNOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KNT KeyNote Note File (Marek Jedlinski)
KNW Known Problems
KO IBM/Tools/Updater File
KOA Koala Paint C64 Bitmap
KOD Code
KOE Turbo Pascal DOS File (Borland Software Corporation)
KOK DEL MP3 Karaoke
KOM Kit-O-Mat 3D Model File (KingMill Enterprises LLC)
KON Konfabulator Widget Code (Konfabulator)
KOR Correction File
KOR Korean Text File
KOS MicroType Pro Document
KOSIMA Kosima File
KOURSE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KOZ Sprint Music Store Music Download for Phone (Sprint Nextel)
KPD Kapital Database File (K Software)
KPF Kapere
KPF Komodo Project File (ActiveState Software)
KPG Kai'S Power Goo Graphic
KPJ K Database Magic Project File (Sandor Kovacs)
KPL Kazaa Playlist
KPL KPL Source Code
KPP Kudo Place Pack, Place Module
KPP SmartPad Toolpad
KPP Kid Pix Deluxe Slide Show (Broderbund)
KPPX Keypoint Presentation (Digitalsoft)
KPR KPresenter Slide Show (KOffice Web Team)
KPR Kwalitan Project (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KPR Fifa World Cup Game Data Comon be File
KPT KPresenter Template (KOffice Web Team)
KPX Kid Pix Deluxe Data File (Broderbund)
KQL Kyle's Quest Level Editor Graphic (Crimson Fire Entertainment)
KQP Konica Quality Picture
KR1 Kurzweil 2000 Sample (Kurzweil Music Systems, Inc.)
KRA Krita Image (The KDE Project)
KRA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KRACK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KRACKS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KRAK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KRAW BRSTM Audio Stream (Nintendo)
KRAW Macintosh OS X Kernel-Raw Image Format (Apple Inc.)
KRC Mouse and Key Recorder Recorded File (Kra-Tronic Corporation)
KRIS Kris Tracker Format Song
KRISTAL KRISTAL Audio Engine Project File (
KRK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KRK Xbox Music Mixer Karaoke-enabled Music File (Microsoft Corporation)
KRN NBA99 Ice Hockey Foreground Font
KROMHE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KRP HiCAD 3D Part File (ISD Benelux B.V.)
KRX Karaoke MIDI File
KRY Herolab Krypten
KRZ Kurzweil 2000 Sample (Kurzweil Music Systems, Inc.)
KS Works Sheet (Microsoft Corporation)
KS SOF Game File Log
KSC Korg Trinity Script
KSC KORG Trinity/Triton Script (KORG)
KSE Keepsake Studio Export File
KSF Kick it Up Stepfiles
KSF KORG Trinity/Triton Sample (KORG)
KSG Kwalitan Segment (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KSH Prodigy Internet Registration File
KSH UNIX Shell Script
KSH Dazzle Dazzle Realization
KSHRC UNIX Kom Shell Environment File
KSL Karaoke Song List Creator Song List (Airwer)
KSM Kefrens-Sound Machine Format Song
KSM Ken Silverman Music Format
KSM Embroidery File Format for Pfaff Machines
KSS FabTrol MRP Template File (FabTrol Systems, Inc)
KSS MSX Music File
KSS KDE [UNIX/Linux Desktop] Screen Saver (KDE)
KSS K-ForCE Scoresheet File (Stephan Rakonza)
KST Olivetti Olitext Plus Script File
KSW Kepler Scientific Workflows (Kepler Project)
KT2 BATTERY 2 Drum Kit (Native Instruments)
KTE FoilMaker Kite Design
KTH Keynote Theme File (Apple Inc.)
KTI Kelvin TOP-SET Investigator Investigation Data (The Kelvin Consultants Limited)
KTK Kutoka's Mia
KTP Clarion for Windows Temporary Key File (SoftVelocity)
KTT KeyText Data File
KTX Kwalitan Text (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KU Knowledge Explorer Knowledge Representation Knowledge Unit
KUMAC Physics Analysis Workstation Macro File
KUP Karaoke Song List Creator (Airwer)
KV3 KM-NET Viewer Database (Kyocera Mita Corporation)
KVA KVIrc Add-on (KVIrc Development Team)
KVB Klick-N-View Business Cards
KVC KVIrc Configuration (KVIrc Development Team)
KVQ Sega Smash Pack PC Version File (Sega of America, Inc.)
KVS KVIrc Script (KVIrc Development Team)
KVT BASIC QuickBAS QuickB03 File
KVT KVIrc Theme (KVIrc Development Team)
KVW Google Earth Workspace (Google)
KW$ NTgraph Visual C Wizzard File
KW3 KanjiWORD Document (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.)
KWB KeyWord Braille File (Pulse Data International Ltd)
KWB Kwalitan Workfile (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KWC KeyWallet Compressed Skin (KeyWallet GbR)
KWD Dungeon Keeper 2 Playable Map (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
KWD Keyword
KWD KWord File (KWord Team)
KWF Delphi Pascal Chart
KWF Kartex
KWF Kwalitan Word List (Vincent Peters, Department of Research Methodology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
KWI Navigation System Data File (KIWI Format)
KWIC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
KWO KeyWallet Object (KeyWallet GbR)
KWS Kyocera Ringtone
KWS KeyWallet Skin (KeyWallet GbR)
KXS Kexis Lossless Compressed Audio
KY Peachtext List Manager (Peachtree Software (Sage Software SB, Inc.))
KYB Keyboard Layout
KYE Kye Game Data
KYF Visual-Voice Mouth Movement File
KYS Photoshop CS Keyboard Shortcut (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
KYS Premiere Keys File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
KYS SourceOffSite Server Keys
KZM Karizma Designer Album File (Karizma)
KZP Kazoo3D or KazooStudio KazooPicture

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