Hackers Encyclopedia DVD-ROM 4th Edition 2009

Hackers Encyclopedia DVD-ROM 4th Edition 2009

This is no wimpy half-full shovelware CD like the garbage our competitors are putting out! This full DVD-ROM contains the complete contents of all 7 volumes of The Hackers Encyclopedia CD-ROM series PLUS thousands of new, recent files covering emerging threats you need to be protected from right now! New school, old school, maximum coverage, total knowledge. 4 Gigabytes of tools and information in over 50,000 files to protect your system from threats new and old, and to learn the craft of Hackers. Files are organized logically by subject for easy access.

If you own a computer, YOU HAVE TO GET THIS DVD-ROM NOW! The knowledge you get from your little investment in this DVD-ROM may save you thousands later (not to mention your career, your life's work, your credit rating, need we go on?)

Go Grab It Here

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