Manage The Programs To be started At windows logon- Learn Latest Computer And MObile hacking Tricks

I found myself with 30 such items from old installs. Microsoft leaves you no way to clean up this list, but have no fear, I have figured it out for you.
Sometimes a few programs makes the startup very slow or even creates some errors as well which make the pc unstable.
SO here is the way for how u guys must maintain the list of the programs to be started at the startup , i.e. Windows logon.

1. Open MSconfig and click on the startup items tab

2. Open Regedit and naviate to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Sharedtools/MSconfig/startupreg

3. Compare the list of registry keys under startup reg with their counterparts in

4. Delete the keys which are no longer valid.

5. You've cleaned up msconfig.

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