Zitmo's new variant targeting Android and Blackberry

Kaspersky Research Team has discovered a new type of Zeus-In-the-Mobile (ZITMO) trojan which will basically target Android and Blackberry based mobile phones. 

As per the sources, Zitmo is not a new thing, it has been in the market for quite long ~ 2 years but this time Blackberry platform has been targetted which seems to be a new thing. 

They have got new files of Zitmo, 4 have been found for Blackberry( 3.cod files and 1 .jar files) and 1 for Android (.apk).  But this ZeuS-in-the-Mobile for Android has been modified and now looks like a ‘classic’ ZitMo with same commands and logic.

These samples have been found to target users from Germany, Spain and Italy. For android, there has been an app which pretended to be "certificate update" or "security" apps. As the user clicks on the same, it pops up some Text in German language. 

More details can be found here .

11:03 AM by Shubham Mittal · 1

Replacements for Linux Commands : Part 3

Click Here to go to Previous part : Part 2


Deprecated route commands


Displays the host’s routing tables.
ip route
route -A [family] [add] or route –[family] [add]
Uses the specified address family with add or del. Valid families are inet (DARPA Internet), inet6 (IPv6), ax25 (AMPR AX.25), netrom (AMPR NET/ROM), ipx (Novell IPX), ddp (Appletalk DDP), and x25 (CCITT X.25).
ip -f [family] route
[family] can be inet (IP), inet6 (IPv6), or link. Additionally, -4 = -f inet and -6 = -f inet6.
route -C or –cache
Operates on the kernel’s routing cache instead of the forwarding information base (FIB) routing table.
Not apparent; ip route show cache dumps the routing cache.
route -e or -ee
Uses the netstat-r format to display the routing table. -ee will generate a very long line with all parameters from the routing table.
ip route show
route -F or –fib
Operates on the kernel’s Forwarding Information Base (FIB) routing table (default behavior).
Not apparent
route -h or –help
Prints the help message.
ip route help
route -n
Shows numerical IP addresses and bypass host name resolution.
Not apparent
route -v or –verbose
Enables verbose command output.
ip -s route
route -V or –version
Dispays the version of net-tools and the route command.
ip -V
route add or del
Adds or delete a route in the routing table.
ip route [add | chg | repl | del] [ip_addr] via [ip_addr]
route [add or del] dev [interface]
Associates a route with a specific device. If dev [interface] is the last option on the command line, the word dev may be omitted.
ip route [add | chg | repl | del] dev [interface]
route [add or del] [default] gw [gw]
Routes packets through the specified gateway IP address.
ip route add default via [gw]
route [add or del] -host
Specifies that the target is a host (not a network).
Not apparent
route [add or del] -irtt [I]
Sets the initial round trip time (IRTT) for TCP connections over this route to [I] milliseconds (1-12000). This is typically only used on AX.25 networks. If omitted the RFC 1122 default of 300ms is used.
Not apparent; ip route [add | chg | repl | del] rtt [number] sets the RTT estimate; rttvar [number] sets the initial RTT variance estimate.
route [add or del] -net
Specifies that the target is a network (not a host).
Not apparent
route [add or del] [-host or -net] netmask [mask]
Sets the subnet [mask].
Not apparent
route [add or del] metric [n]
Sets the metric field in the routing table (used by routing daemons) to the value of [n].
ip route [add | chg | repl | del] metric [number] or preference [number]
route [add or del] mod, dyn, or reinstate
Install a dynamic or modified route. These flags are for diagnostic purposes, and are generally only set by routing daemons.
Not apparent
route [add or del] mss [bytes]
Sets the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for connections over this route to the number of [bytes] specified.
ip route [add | chg | repl | del] advmss [number] (the MSS to advertise to these destinations when establishing TCP connections).
route [add or del] reject
Installs a blocking route, which will force a route lookup to fail. This is used to mask out networks before using the default route. This is not intended to provide firewall functionality.
ip route add prohibit [network_addr]
route [add or del] window [W]
Set the TCP window size for connections over this route to the value of [W] bytes. This is typically only used on AX.25 networks and with drivers unable to handle back-to-back frames.
ip route [add | chg | repl | del] window [W]
Some examples of ip route command syntax are as follows.
# ip route add via
# ip route del via dev eth0
ip route chg default via dev eth1
# ip route get [ip_address] (shows the interface and gateway that would be used to reach a remote host. This command would be especially useful for troubleshooting routing issues on hosts with large routing tables and/or with multiple network interfaces).

So here i guess the articles was understanble to you. Sorry for the formatting mistakes, Have fun.

8:08 PM by Shubham Mittal · 2

Replacements for Linux Commands : Part 2

So moving further with our FIRST PART , lets move onwards.


Deprecated iwconfig commands


Displays basic details about wireless interfaces, such as supported protocols (802.11a/b/g/n), Extended Service Set ID (ESSID), mode, and access point. To view these details about a particular interface, use iwconfig [interface] where the interface is the device name, such as wlan0.
iw dev [interface] link
iwconfig [interface] ap [address]
Forces the wireless adapter to register with the access point given by the [address], if possible. This address is the cell identity of the access point (as reported by wireless scanning) which may be different from its MAC address.
Not apparent
iwconfig commit
Some wireless adapters may not apply changes immediately (they may wait to aggregate the changes, or apply them only when the card is brought up via ifconfig). This command (when available) forces the adapter to immediately apply all pending changes.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] essid [name]
Connects to the WLAN with the ESSID [name] provided. With some wireless adapters, you can disable the ESSID checking (ESSID promiscuous) with off or any (and on to re-enable it).
iw [interface] connect [name]
iwconfig [interface] frag [num]
Sets the maximum fragment size which is always lower than the maximum packet size. This parameter may also control Frame Bursting available on some wireless adapters (the ability to send multiple IP packets together). This mechanism would be enabled if the fragment size is larger than the maximum packet size. Other valid frag parameters to auto, on, and off.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] [freq | channel]
Sets the operating frequency or channel on the wireless device. A value below 1000 indicates a channel number, a value greater than 1000 is a frequency in Hz. You can append the suffix k, M or G to the value (for example, “2.46G” for 2.46 GHz frequency). You may also use off or auto to let the adapter pick up the best channel (when supported).
iw dev [interface] set freq [freq] [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
iw dev [interface] set channel [chan] [HT20|HT40+|HT40-]
iwconfig [interface] key [key] [mode] [on | off]
To set the current encryption [key], just enter the key in hex digits as XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or XXXXXXXX. You can also enter the key as an ASCII string by using the s: prefix. On and off re=enable and disable encryption. The security mode may be open or restricted, and its meaning depends on the card used. With most cards, in open mode no authentication is used and the card may also accept non-encrypted sessions, whereas in restricted mode only encrypted sessions are accepted and the card will use authentication if available.
iw [interface] connect [name] keys [key] (for WEP)
To connect to an AP with WPA or WPA2 encryption, you must use wpa_supplicant.
iwconfig [interface] mode [mode]
Sets the operating mode of the wireless device. The [mode] can be Ad-Hoc, Auto, Managed, Master, Monitor, Repeater, or Secondary.
: the network is composed of only one cell and without an access point.
Managed: the wireless node connects to a network composed of many access points, with roaming.
Master: the wireless node is the synchronization master, or it acts as an access point.
Monitor: the wireless node is not associated with any cell and passively monitors all packets on the frequency.
Repeater: the wireless node forwards packets between other wireless nodes.
Secondary: the wireless node acts as a backup master/repeater.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] modu [modulation]
Forces the wireless adapter to use a specific set of modulations. Modern adapters support various modulations, such as 802.11b or 802.11g. The list of available modulations depends on the adapter/driver and can be displayed using iwlist modulation. Some options are 11g, CCK OFDMa, and auto.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] nick [name]
Sets the nick name (or station name).
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] nwid [name]
Sets the Network ID for the WLAN. This parameter is only used for pre-802.11 hardware as the 802.11 protocol uses the ESSID and access point address for this function. With some wireless adapters, you can disable the Network ID checking (NWID promiscuous) with off (and on to re-enable it).
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] power [option]
iwconfig [interface] power min | max [secondsu | secondsm]
iwconfig [interface] power mode [mode]
iwconfig [interface] power on | off

Configures the power management scheme and mode. Valid [options] are: period [value] (sets the period between wake ups), timeout [value] (sets the timeout before going back to sleep), saving [value] (sets the generic level of power saving).
The min and max modifiers are in seconds by default, but append the suffices m or u to specify values in milliseconds or microseconds.
Valid [mode] options are: all (receive all packets), unicast (receive unicast packets only, discard multicast and broadcast) and multicast (receive multicast and broadcast only, discard unicast packets).
On and off re-enable or disable power management.
Not apparent; some power commands are:
iw dev [interface] set power_save on

iw dev [interface] get power_save
iwconfig [interface] rate/bit [rate]
Sets the bit rate in bits per second for cards supporting multiple bit rates. The bit-rate is the speed at which bits are transmitted over the medium, the user speed of the link is lower due to medium sharing and various overhead.Suffixes k, M or G can be added to the numeric [rate] (decimal multiplier : 10^3, 10^6 and 10^9 b/s), or add ‘0‘ for enough. The [rate] can also be auto to select automatic bit-rate mode (fallback to lower rate on noisy channels), or fixed to revert back to fixed setting. If you specify a bit-rate numeric value and append auto, the driver will use all bit-rates lower and equal than this value.
iw [interface] set bitrates legacy-2.4 12 18 24
iwconfig [interface] retry [option] [value]
To set the maximum number of retries (MAC retransmissions), enter limit [value]. To set the maximum length of time the MAC should retry, enter lifetime [value]. By default, this value is in seconds; append the suffices m or u to specify values in milliseconds or microseconds. You can also add the short, long, min and max modifiers.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] rts [threshold]
Sets the size of the smallest packet for which the node sends RTS; a value equal to the maximum packet size disables the mechanism. You may also set the threshold parameter to auto, fixed or off.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] sens [threshold]
Sets the sensitivity threshold (defines how sensitive the wireless adapter is to poor operating conditions such as low signal, signal interference, etc). Modern adapter designs seem to control these thresholds automatically.
Not apparent
iwconfig [interface] txpower [value]
For adapters supporting multiple transmit powers, this sets the transmit power in dBm. If W is the power in Watt, the power in dBm is P = 30 + 10.log(W). If the [value] is postfixed by mW, it will be automatically converted to dBm. In addition, on and off enable and disable the radio, and auto and fixed enable and disable power control (if those features are available).
iw dev [interface] set txpower [auto | fixed | |limit] [tx power in mBm]
iw phy [phyname] set txpower [auto | fixed | limit] [tx power in mBm]
iwconfig –help
Displays the iwconfig help message.
iw help
iwconfig –version
Displays the version of iwconfig installed.
iw –version
Some examples of the iw command syntax are as follows.
# iw dev wlan0 link
# iw wlan0 connect CoffeeShopWLAN
# iw wlan0 connect HomeWLAN keys 0:abcde d:1:0011223344 (for WEP)


Deprecated nameif commands


nameif [name] [mac_address]
If no name and MAC address are provided, it attempts to read addresses from /etc/mactab. Each line of mactab should contain an interface name and MAC address (or comments starting with #).
ip link set dev [interface] name [name]
ifrename -i [interface] -n [newname]
nameif -c [config_file]
Reads from [config_file] instead of /etc/mactab.
ifrename -c [config_file]
nameif -s
Error messages are sent to the syslog.
Not apparent


Deprecated netstat commands


netstat -a or –all
Shows both listening and non-listening sockets.
ss -a or –all
netstat -A [family] or –protocol=[family]
Specifies the address families for which connections are to be shown. [family] is a comma separated list of address family keywords like inet, unix, ipx, ax25, netrom, and ddp. This has the same effect as using the –inet, –unix (-x), –ipx, –ax25, –netrom, and –ddp options.
ss -f [family] or –family=[family]
Families: unix, inet, inet6, link, netlink.
netstat -c or –continuous
Configures netstat to refresh the displayed information every second until stopped.
Not apparent
netstat -C
Prints routing information from the route cache.
ip route list cache
netstat -e or –extend
Displays an increased level of detail. Can be entered as twice (as –ee) for maximum details.
ss -e or –extended
netstat -F
Prints routing information from the forward information database (FIB).
Not apparent
netstat -g or –groups
Displays multicast group membership information for IPv4 and IPv6.
ip maddr, ip maddr show [interface]
netstat -i or –interface=[name]
Displays a table of all network interfaces, or the specified [name].
ip -s link
netstat -l or –listening
Shows only listening sockets (which are omitted by netstat be default).
ss -l or –listening
netstat -M or –masquerade
Displays a list of masqueraded connections (connections being altered by Network Address Translation).
Not apparent
netstat -n or –numeric
Show numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host, port or user names (skips DNS translation).
ss -n or –numeric
netstat –numeric-hosts
Shows numerical host addresses but does not affect the resolution of port or user names.
Not apparent
netstat –numeric ports
Shows numerical port numbers but does not affect the resolution of host or user names.
Not apparent
netstat –numeric-users
Shows numerical user IDs but does not affect the resolution of host or port names.
Not apparent
netstat -N or –symbolic
Displays the symbolic host, port, or user names instead of numerical representations. Netstat does this by default.
ss -r or –resolve
netstat -o or –timers
Includes information related to networking timers.
ss -o or –options
netstat -p or –program
Shows the process ID (PID) and name of the program to which each socket belongs.
ss -p
netstat -r or –route
Shows the kernel routing tables.
ip route, ip route show all
netstat -s or –statistics
Displays summary statistics for each protocol.
ss -s
netstat -t or –tcp
Filters results to display TCP only.
ss -t or –tcp
netstat -T or –notrim
Stops trimming long addresses.
Not apparent
netstat -u or –udp
Filters results to display UDP only.
ss -u or –udp
netstat -v or –verbose
Produces verbose output.
Not apparent
netstat -w or –raw
Filter results to display raw sockets only.
ss-w or –raw
netstat -Z or –context
Prints the SELinux context if SELinux is enabled. On hosts running SELinux, all processes and files are labeled in a way that represents security-relevant information. This information is called the SELinux context.
Not apparent

Click here to go to Next part : Part 3

7:59 PM by Shubham Mittal · 0

Replacements for Linux Commands : Part 1

Okay so first of all, a very Happy New year to all the readers, followers, subscribers, and any one directly or indirectly related to the website. I had been writing this post from last two days, and got time to publish on this warm occasion of New Year. Neways, lets start up.

From so long we have been using many of the Linux commands, which can however can be replaced with some optional commands, which sounds damn easy and small as compared to old ones. Specifically, the commands which can be ignored while using  Linux networking are: arpifconfigiptunneliwconfig,nameifnetstat, and route. These programs (except iwconfig) are included in the net-tools package that has been unmaintained for years. The functionality provided by several of these utilities has been reproduced and improved in the new iproute2 suite, primarily by using its new ip command. The iproute2 software code and documentation are available from the Linux Foundation.

Now let’s take a closer look at these commands and their replacements.
This article will not focus on iproute2 or the ip command in detail; instead it will simply give one-to-one mappings between the deprecated commands and their new counterparts. For replacement commands that are listed as ‘not apparent’, please contact me if you know otherwise.

Deprecated command

Replacement command(s)

arp ip n (ip neighbor)
ifconfig ip a (ip addr), ip link, ip -s (ip -stats)
iptunnel ip tunnel
iwconfig iw
nameif ip link, ifrename
netstat ss, ip route (for netstat-r), ip -s link (for netstat -i), ip maddr (for netstat-g)
route ip r (ip route)

Now let’s take a closer look at these deprecated commands and their replacements.

This article will not focus on iproute2 or the ip command in detail; instead it will simply give one-to-one mappings between the deprecated commands and their new counterparts. For replacement commands that are listed as ‘not apparent’, please contact me if you know otherwise.


Deprecated arp commands


arp -a [host] or –all [host]
Shows the entries of the specified host name or IP address. If the [host] parameter is not used, all entries will be displayed.
ip n (or ip neighbor), or ip n show
arp -d [ip_addr] or –delete [ip_addr]
Removes the ARP cache entry for the specified host.
ip n del [ip_addr] (this “invalidates” neighbor entries)
ip n f [ip_addr]
(or ip n flush [ip_addr])
arp -D or –use-device
Uses the hardware address associated with the specified interface.
Not apparent
arp -e
Shows the entries in default (Linux) style.
Not apparent
arp -f [filename] or –file [filename]
Similar to the -s option, only this time the address info is taken from the file that [filename] set up. If no [filename] is specified, /etc/ethers is used as default.
Not apparent
arp -H or –hw-type [type] or -t [type]
When setting or reading the ARP cache, this optional parameter tells arp which class of entries it should check for. The default value of this parameter is ether (i.e. hardware code 0×01 for IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethernet).
Not apparent
arp -i [int] or –device [int]
Selects an interface. When dumping the ARP cache only entries matching the specified interface will be printed. For example, arp -i eth0 -s A321.ABCF.321A creates a static ARP entry associating IP address with MAC address A321.ABCF.321A on eth0.
ip n [add | chg | del | repl] dev [name]
arp -n or –numeric
Shows IP addresses instead of trying to determine domain names.
Not apparent
arp -s [ip_addr] [hw_addr] or –set [ip_addr]
Manually creates a static ARP address mapping entry for host [ip_addr] with the hardware address set to [hw_addr].
ip n add [ip_addr] lladdr [mac_address] dev [device] nud [nud_state] (see example below)
arp -v
Uses verbose mode to provide more details.
ip -s n (or ip -stats n)
Some ip neighbor examples are as follows:
# ip n del dev eth0
Invalidates the ARP cache entry for host on device eth0.
# ip neighbor show dev eth0
Shows the ARP cache for interface eth0.
# ip n add lladdr 1:2:3:4:5:6 dev eth0 nud perm
Adds a “permanent” ARP cache entry for host device eth0. The Neighbor Unreachability Detection (nud) state can be one of the following:
  • noarp – entry is valid. No attempts to validate this entry will be made but it can be removed when its lifetime expires.
  • permanent – entry is valid forever and can be only be removed administratively.
  • reachable – entry is valid until the reachability timeout expires.
  • stale – entry is valid but suspicious.


Deprecated ifconfig commands


Displays details on all network interfaces.
ip a (or ip addr)
ifconfig [interface]
The name of the interface. This is usually a driver name followed by a unit number; for example, eth0 for the first Ethernet interface. Eth0 will usually be a PC’s primary network interface card (NIC).
ip a show dev [interface]
ifconfig [address_family]
To enable the interpretation of differing naming schemes used by various protocols, [address_family] is used for decoding and displaying all protocol addresses. Currently supported address families include inet (TCP/IP, default), inet6 (IPv6), ax25 (AMPR Packet Radio), ddp (Appletalk Phase 2), ipx (Novell IPX) and netrom (AMPR Packet radio).
ip -f [family] a
can be inet (IPv4), inet6 (IPv6), or link. Additionally, -4 = -f inet and -6 = -f inet6.
ifconfig [interface] add [address/prefixlength
Adds an IPv6 address to the [interface].
ip a add [ip_addr/mask] dev [interface]
ifconfig [interface] address [address]
Assigns the specified IP [address] to the specified [interface].
ip a add [ip_addr/mask] dev [interface]
ifconfig [interface] allmulti or -allmulti
Enables or disables all-multicast mode. If selected, all multicast packets on the network will be received by the [interface] specified. This enables or disables the sending of incoming frames to the kernel’s network layer.
ip mr iif [name] or ip mroute iif [name], where [name] is the interface on which multicast packets are received.
ifconfig [interface] arp or -arp
Enables or disables the use of the ARP protocol on this [interface].
ip link set arp on or arp off
ifconfig [interface] broadcast [address]
Specifies the address to use to use for broadcast transmissions. By default, the broadcast address for a subnet is the IP address with all ones in the host portion of the subnet address (i.e., a.b.c.255 for a /24 subnet).
ip a add broadcast [ip_address]
ip link set dev [interface] broadcast [mac_address]
(sets the link layer broadcast address)
ifconfig [interface] del [address/prefixlength]
Removes an IPv6 address from the [interface], such as eth0.
ip a del [ipv6_addr or ipv4_addr] dev [interface]
ifconfig [interface] down
Disables the [interface], such as eth0.
ip link set dev [interface] down
ifconfig [interface] hw [class] [address]
Sets the hardware (MAC) address of this [interface], if the device driver supports this operation. The keyword must be followed by the name of the hardware [class] and the printable ASCII equivalent of the hardware address. Hardware classes currently supported include ether (Ethernet), ax25 (AMPR AX.25), ARCnet and netrom (AMPR NET/ROM).
ip link set dev [interface] address [mac_addr]
ifconfig [interface] io_addr [address]
Sets the start [address] in I/O space for this device.
Not apparent; possibly ethtool.
ifconfig [interface] irq [address]
Sets the interrupt line used by the network interface.
Not apparent; possibly ethtool.
ifconfig [interface] mem_start [address]
Sets the start address for shared memory of the interface.
Not apparent; possibly ethtool.
ifconfig [interface] media [type]
Sets physical port or medium type. Examples of [type] are 10baseT, 10base2, and AUI. A [type] value of auto will tell the interface driver to automatically determine the media type (driver support for this command varies).
Not apparent; possibly ethtool.
ifconfig [interface] mtu [n]
Sets the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of an interface to [n].
ip link set dev [interface] mtu [n]
ifconfig [interface] multicast
Sets the multicast flag on the interface (should not normally be needed as the drivers set the flag correctly themselves).
ip link set dev [interface] multicast on or off
ifconfig [interface] netmask [mask_address]
Sets the subnet mask (not the IP address) for this [interface]. This value defaults to the standard Class A, B, or C subnet masks (based on the interface IP address) but can be changed with this command.
Not apparent
ifconfig [interface] pointopoint or -pointopoint
Enables or disables point-to-point mode on this [interface].
not apparent; possibly ipppd [device]. The command ip a add peer [address] specifies the address of the remote endpoint for point-to-point interfaces.
ifconfig [interface] promisc or -promisc
Enables or disables promiscuous mode on the [interface].
ip link set dev [interface] promisc on or off
ifconfig [interface] txquelen [n]
Sets the transmit queue length on the [interface]. Smaller values are recommended for connections with high latency (i.e., dial-up modems, ISDN, etc).
ip link set dev [interface] txqueuelen [n] or txqlen [n]
ifconfig [interface] tunnel [address]
Creates a Simple Internet Transition (IPv6-in-IPv4) device which tunnels to the IPv4 [address] provided.
ip tunnel mode sit (other possible modes are ipip and gre).
ifconfig [interface] up
Activates (enables) the [interface] specified.
ip link set [interface] up
Some examples illustrating the ip command are as follows; using the table above you should be able to figure out what they do.
# ip link show dev eth0
# ip a add dev eth0
# ip link set dev eth0 up
# ip link set dev eth0 mtu 1500
# ip link set dev eth0 address 00:70:b7:d6:cd:ef


Deprecated iptunnel commands


iptunnel [add | change | del | show] ip tunnel a or add
ip tunnel chg or change
ip tunnel d or del
ip tunnel ls or show
iptunnel add [name] [mode {ipip | gre | sit} ] remote [remote_addr] local [local_addr] ip tunnel add [name] [mode {ipip | gre | sit | isatap | ip6in6 | ipip6 | any }] remote [remote_addr] local [local_addr]
iptunnel -V or –version not apparent
The syntax between iptunnel and ip tunnel is very similar as these examples show.
[iptunnel | ip tunnel] add ipip-tunl1 mode ipip remote (ipip-tunl1 is the name of the tunnel, is the IP address of the remote endpoint).
[iptunnel | ip tunnel] add ipi-tunl2 mode ipip remote local ttl 1
[iptunnel | ip tunnel] add gre-tunl1 mode gre remote local ttl 255

Click here for the Next Part : Part 2

11:15 AM by Shubham Mittal · 0

9 Suggestions which Apple gave to Samsung

Well, yeah i warmly accept that this time i am writing rubbish, but after looking at this, i cnt stop myself to blog it out.

Saturday, The Verge reported that Apple, in their usual arrogant way, felt they needed to tell Samsung how to design their devices. The list is quite humorous and completely outrageous.
Apple has told Samsung that, in order not to infringe on their design, Samsung should create a design with:
  • Display screens that aren't centered on the front face and have substantial lateral borders.
  • No front bezel at all.
  • Non-horizontal speaker slots.
  • Thick frames rather than a thin rim around the front surface.
  • Profiles that aren't thin.
  • Front surface that isn't black.
  • Overall shape that isn't rectangular, or doesn't have rounded corner.
  • Front surfaces with substantial adornment.
  • Cluttered appearance.
 It must be however be noted that Apple's Ipad never followed a perfect tablet PC's design. In order to gain maximum profits, they made it all the simplest and ignored the actual path for making a Tablet.

Instead of improving their work, they are suggesting Samsung people. LOL. :D

9:30 AM by Shubham Mittal · 0

BSNL's Website Hacked again

In a shocking revelation, it has been claimed that the official website of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has been hacked by some spurious group from Pakistan. This is yet another attempt from the Pakistan Cyber Army as a dummy test to ensure that the government organization has still loopholes existent and there is a need to ramp up the cyber security.

It has been confirmed that personal details of the subscribers, including names email addresses and phone numbers have been hacked by the group, however, any foul play so far has been denied by them. It came to notice at 2:21 am on December 4th, 2011, that such details have been hacked by the group. There are five members involved in the group namely -c0p, nginx-adm1n, enc0der, k3rnel and sm0ky, though the real identity has not been revealed.

3:26 AM by Shubham Mittal · 0

World's First Android 4.0 Launched from China Market : Ice Cream Sandwich Tablet

There is no shortage of cheap Android tablets from Chinese manufacturers that can be found for under $200 online, most of which are running an older version of Android and don’t have Google’s blessing (meaning no Google services and Market). MIPS Technologies and Ingenic Semiconductor announced today availability of the world’s first Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.0-powered tablet, and it just so happens to a $99 budget-friendly tab with decent specs.

The tablet will pack in a 1GHz MIPS-based ‘XBurst” CPU, 7-inch capacitive touchscreen, microSD, HDMI 1.3, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, USB 2.0, 2-megapixel main cam, front-facing cam, and bluetooth. Ainovo, the company offering up the tablet to the Chinese market, is promising 30 hours standby and 8 hours video playback for battery.

The Novo7 will become available to the US market (likely with different branding) through other companies including OMG Electronics Ltd. and Leader International Inc. at a later date. There will also be 8 and 9-inch variants released in the future, mostly likely depending on the success of the 7-inch model. You might have to pay a little more than the US $99 price tag to get it shipped from a Chinese supplier before it lands stateside, but it will probably be your first chance to get your hands on an ICS tablet if you do.

3:20 AM by Shubham Mittal · 0